Is subcontinental DNA problematic?

 One Pakistani commentator mentioned that DNA of the people of Indian subcontinent (especially Punjab region) is problematic. What he meant that people of this region lack fighting spirit, and indulge in eating, drinking, and merry making. He said so in the context of current crisis in Pakistan. His argument is subcontinental DNA does not allow the Pakistani people to fight the crisis, and bring the ruling elite to accountability. It is clear from his statements that he has no inkling what DNA is, what is its full form etc. An organic substance called de-oxy-ribose nucleic acid, which is present in the nucleus of our cells can affect our physical features, hereditary diseases etc., which is scientifically proven. 

However, associating DNA and genetics with social, and political attitude of people is dangerous. It reminds of racism, and white supremacist ideas. Most amazing part is deducing this DNA theory from the recent history of the subcontinent, particularly Punjab.

The honorable gentleman refers to the conquests of Afghans, Mughals, and the British, and according to him they faced no resistance from natives. In his opinion, Punjabis were willing collaborators to all invaders.

Clearly, he is either oblivious of or willfully ignoring innumerable freedom fighters, and freedom movements in India, including the Punjab region. He is clearly ignorant of  the resistance, every invader faced in this country. He does not know that Alexander the Great struggled here for more than two years, and halted his forward march, and went back from Gurdaspur, after having a nearly cakewalk in the entire Western Asia, and Egypt. So, no Porus, no Bhagat Singh, no Lala Lajpat Rai, who were from Punjab. Then what to expect on Raja Dahir, Bappa Rawal, Maharana Pratap or Chhatrapati Shivaji or Netaji Subhash Chandra. The list will be unending.

Invasion is complete when the invaded people think lowly on themselves and accept that invaders were better people. This is the tragedy with most Pakistani people, including educated ones. They will lament their own proverbial 'DNA' which associates them with Indians, and hold it responsible for all their misfortune.
